Contrarily, the answer will expel at the end of day. The flexible I had said maybe fragile. It’s a risk; a deal to play with. Even how good you are in throwing cards but destiny will puke a fate.
EXTRACT: For the first time, I took matric cos I want to accelerate my study since it only cost me one year to degree. Now I’m afraid of my future being risked since I’ve been focusing bout ends my study than thinking of what I’m going to be. I’m young and why I need to rush in this sphere world, if I keep running. I will still running to the end of the world.
Voluntarily, I’m quitting matric this month and go for other wholesome opportunity. PHARMACY. Albeit peace solution. I know my aim in future after this and I have to kick start my ass to be a future pharmacist. Living as a student is like drawing a diverse experience. This is what I’m doing, drawing a diverse experience in late 17. Au revoir friend!
Dear kmm, this is my last entry. I won’t update a word anymore in here. Exclusively, I leave my original blog url for you guys to take a look ;-).
hey dude, u still young just do what ever you feel rite at the same time ask opinion from the olders whi's you really count is so damm beautiful to enjoy..yet we still have to work hard at least for a degree or master tas a key to get our ass into this place we called beautiful world..ok
enjoy life!
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